mute me!

..just mute me..
the tradition
Folks, it’s SASH bday!! Hepi bday sha...!! May great happiness and success will always come upon her.

Entah bagaimana mulanya, sudah jadi tradisi buat aku, metty, n sasha buat bikin perrnak-pernik greeting card buat yang ultah, yang“sekreatif’ mungkin, yang tiap tahunnya entah kenapa harus dibikin beda2. Sapa ta yang aneh-aneh ki?? Memang menyulitkan diri sendiri kiek. Hahahahahah.... Tapi setiap momen itu, pasti membekaskan kenangan-kenangan ga terlupakan.

Buat Sasha, sama tahun ini udah tahun ke 4, berarti udah 4 macem greeting card.
  • kartu bikin sendiri pake Corel | ni masih jaman-jaman lagi ajar Corel, njuk dicetak pake kertas poto gitu de. Hahahaha.. jadul-jadul kae.. Sama metty surup-surup ngutheg2 Corel.
  • Video | aku ma metty nyanyi Selamat Ulang Tahun Kehabisan ide ma metty, njuk nemu Fantasia Idol di Fantasia. Terbesit ide buat nyanyi selamat ulang tahun. Suara pas-pasan, Performance kacangan, haduh-haduh..... Yang ini bener-bener konyol abis, soalnya terjadi insiden yang melibatkan saudara kita metty, LIVE dan terekam di video ntu!
  • Bikin movie clip (atau apalah namanya, aku ga reti le mbahasake) Ini melibatkan orang laen, yakni sodara Hoho sebagai penggarap movie clip ntu. Ini ni isinya slide2 poto sasha dari kecil.. mpe gedhe... tapi dibikin skenario gitu, hahahaha.. . (terima kasih sodara Hoho!!!)
  • Taun ini rencananya mau bikin komik... tapi... Yup, udah planning mau bikin2 komik buat sash. Hue, tapi rencana ntu digagalkan oleh keadaan komputer metty yang tidak bersahabat. Akhirnya, kita hanya mengandalkan tangan kita, menggambar sosok-sosok Sasha yang diversikan gambar komik gitu. Hehehehehe.... Njoy it so much!!

Yup!! Begitulah.. Ga tau ni ya, tradisi kita ni mau berlanjut sampai kapan... Lucu juga si nek bisa berlanjut sampe dah ‘gedhe’; ya mungkin ga dibikin bareng-bareng... tapi bikin sendiri2... njuk kumpul pa gimana. Huaaaa....

Kalo besok dah kita lulus, ndak kita dah ga bikin2 lagi ??? Hiks... hiks...
posted by @ 20:05   2 comments

forgotten letter
A wonder just come through mind..
For a regret that felt so useless lately..
Cause somehow it seems so empty.

Even you asked someone else, they won’t understand..
The question of insanity..

The sky isn’t always blue.. yet orange..
The flower sometimes won’t bloom when spring comes..
And words that have no meaning but fakeness..

Things isn’t always the same..
So how can you hold on to something?

Don’t bother, though...
Cause it doesn’t matter anyway..
It’s a little too late...

When you felt that you have something..
You thought it was so precious
that you wanted to kept it in every air you breathe..

And then a sharp knife is stabbed through your soul.

You cry loud “is that so hard?”

The line is so thin that you can’t differ..
But then you realize that you can escape from both..
From Hurt and happiness..

The way to survive from the darkness of your own..

I got to breathe in both ways..

Believe it or not... aku bener-bener ga inget aku pernah bikin ini. Itungan paling baru 1-2 bln yang lalu. Hya.. apa iya kepikunanku udah separah itu?? Kalimat-kalimat baru yang kuseselin cuma 3 paragrap dari paragrap ke 6. Hya.... Ga inget juga terinspirasi dari apa,,, Who knows?

posted by @ 20:03   0 comments

being so irresponsible
am i being irresponsible?
leaving the people who give me a lot hope on me...
neglecting the chance to be somebody..

...maybe i just can't be that high...
posted by @ 13:14   1 comments

the truth behind my mute...
remain in silence..
all above of my patience.
..don't look down to my eyes..

i remain in silence..
questioning my own sanity;
crazy wild things that i've ever thought...
just lose control from not happening.
clear vision, blurry image..
can't differ by all this dancing rhymes.

...and by the bell..
it rang my head hard.
..hit the ground..
understand that far.

is it me... or this world is slipping away?

can't recognise the reflection..
staring back with gloomy empty eyes.
guess it's all faked....
everyone sees it just not like how it is...

i remain in silence..
ambigous moment that can means everything... or NOT!

....of all what i've ever wanted : what i want most
....of all what i've ever dream : what i dream of most

words stuck in my throat...
stopping me for convincing...
..a back stage door from opening........

......and still.... i remain in silence....
watching the drama from ups and down
a tears tasted of anger...
.. and a smile filled by grief.

don't look into me.. won't believe what you will find. any chance
when there's a different time.. different places...
...different world...
will i play the same lullaby that i sang today???

......silence, indeed..
posted by @ 20:05   0 comments

..something missing?
you know what?
..sometimes i felt confused...

...tapi toh tidak penting lagi.

hmm... hari-hari ni... lagi rada kilang-kilong. Felt something missing,,, tapi apa ya?? ndak reti. Nek lagi gini, pengen pinjem FRIENDS lagi.. tapi tengson.. masak mau pinjem lagi dari season pertama?? dulu harusnya jadi ku'bajak' ya.. hihihihihi... jadi nek pas gini mah tinggal tancep aja ya??

omong-omong tentang FRIENDS... ngikutin dari season2 awal.. nek diruntut2 tu lak ya umurnya belum "nyandak" buat nonton yang beginian ya?? inget jaman2 bahela, big bro suka nyuruh2 nutup mata, padahal sendirinya melotot (wakwkakwa,,, berlebihan nek ini..). Paling sedih pas episode terakhir... tangis2 bombay jijay... hehehehhe...

about the cast..
asemane.. ada couple di depan boxku.. mesra2an ae.. niatnya ga mau liat si.
tapi kan dari sudut mata lak ya kliatan ya?? hehehe.. bukannya mupeng.. tapi
malah risi. hueeeeee..... yikes! ..ARGH!! my EYES!! (heheh.. berlebihan nek ni..)

..upppss.. lanjuuut.. so, about the cast... kalau ditanya sapa paling favorit, jelas aja jawabannya CHANDLER! hihihi.. Matthew Perry is so hillarious! what's so great about this show.. you can watch them 'grow'.. melihat bagaimana mereka menjadi lebih 'mature', gak ketang konyol2nya masih ada (..jelas lah.. comedy show gitu lo..)

Sayang, sitcom Joey gak sesukses yang diharapkan.... mungkin memang ga ada yang bisa menggantikan 'FRIENDS' ya. Eh, tapi kemaren rasan-rasan sama big bro, kalo ada lagi sitcom yang lucu, judulnya 'how i met your mother'. belum tau si kayak apa... katanya di wahana udah ada. sooo,, besok tak mampir minjem. Who knows?

I can't believe what is in front of me The water's rising up to my knees And i can't figure out How the hell i wound up here Everything seemed okay when i started out the other day Then the rain came pouring down And now im drowning in my fears And as i watch the setting sun I wonder if im the only one Cause everybody tries to put some love on the line And everybody feels a broken heart sometimes And even when i'm scared i have to try to fly Sometimes i fall But ive seen it done before I got to step outside these walls I've got no master plan to help me out Or make me stand up for All the things i really want You had me to afraid to ask And as i look ahead of me Cry and pray for sanity These walls can't be my haven These walls can't keep me safe here Now i guess i got to let them down (..lyric of Teddy Geiger 'These Walls')

....thanks God, the couple is gone!!
posted by @ 20:26   2 comments

another needle in the flesh
another pain in the a**..
hariku kemaren tiba-tiba menjadi bad day.. karena sebuah huruf.
i don't deserve this. i deserve more. this wasn't my fault!!
things doesn't always go like we want, huh?? even we knew we were right.
semakin aku berusaha menyalahkan orang lain... semakin aku sadar, no use. Pilihan...pasti ada resiko.

so.. beberapa saat bergelut dengan emosi... berusaha mikir realistis... setelah sempet memarahi orang di jalan.. berusaha menghibur diri dengan 'menyanyi' keras, nonton friends, dan maen game... yaaaah.. lumayan surut dah.

there must be a way...

it should be.

....and another needle in the flesh...
here we go...
posted by @ 14:42   3 comments

konon katanya hari ini adalah hari pertama semesteran baru...
yang jelas.. itu ga berlaku buat kami-kami yang udah semester pucuk2. wkakwakwkakwa. lagian, mood untuk menyambut hari ntu bener2 di dasar nol. kenapa? dunno.. terlalu banyak yang kepikiran.. yang jelas, untuk orang sesimple aku...this is rather too much.

so... hari ini ke kampus pun bentuk uda sekucel2nya orang (mang uda kucel dari sananya si... heheheh). mau seceria2 apa pun juga masi rada kebawa gak moodnya,, ketambahan lagi... ujan! arrgh.... hal2 yang biasanya ga jadi masalah, akhirnya jadi kebawa mikir juga. now, the pressure is more.

statement yang terngiang dari bapakku adalah: biasakan untuk mempunyai prinsip i want to make everybody happy. dengan begitu, kamu gak akan pernah kecewa karena kamu tidak punya pengharapan ke orang lain.
terus terang, statement itu membuat aku trenyuh dan membekas... dengan melihat sekarang yang terjadi, melihat sekitarku, melihat diriku sendiri.....

rasa kecewa itu timbul karena kita sendiri. karena kita mempunyai 'pengharapan'

hehehehehe... resiko kali ya...

rasanya... pengen tidur...

posted by @ 14:51   1 comments

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